Portfolio building and identity reconstruction in senior leader degree apprenticeship is course work given in UK for MBA students in Level 7. No1AssigmentHelp.Co.Uk provides portfolio assignment writing services in all over the United Kingdom. Avail the best professional for your coursework to be done with AI FREE and PLAGIARISM FREE and get the high course grade. Order now
General Guidance
Please make sure that the assignment you submit is your original work and that all quotations and
sources of information are acknowledged by appropriate in-text citations and in the Table of References at the end, including organisational and/or Internet sources. Please use Harvard referencing.
You need to use your own organisation for this assignment.
This assessment aligns to the module ‘Portfolio Building and Identity Reconstruction’ and its associated learning outcomes as follows:
Learning outcomes assessed
Knowledge (understanding)
- critically evaluate a range of literature, academic, practitioner and organisation specific regarding the relationship between leadership, learning managers and organisational performance
- apply systems thinking to place themselves within a dynamic financial, cultural and strategic system and sub-system
- evaluate the importance of productive reflective practice for future professional development
Skills (competences) - synthesise strategic insights and perspectives on organisational performance, such they become relevant to their own role and senior leader identity projection
- explore how professional behaviours might be exhibited in their context(s) in the future
- demonstrate self-direction in managing their leadership experience based on reflective practice and collaborative relationships
Assessment Requirements
There are two elements of assessment to the assessment both of which count to the final module mark.
Please ensure that you read the assignment guidance as this provides further information on the requirements and expectations of the assignment brief.
- Construction of Portfolio of evidence (60%)
Students construct a portfolio of evidence to prepare for the Professional Discussion element of the EPA.
This is limited to the knowledge standards of:
- Strategy;
- Innovation and change;
- Enterprise and risk;
- Finance;
- Leading and developing people;
- Developing collaborative relationships.
(No word limit, but must be easily viewable in 30 mins)
- Reconstruction of identity (40%)
Triangulating three sources of data/input, namely your first module assessment for ‘Creating Identity and Setting Direction’, a Critical Action Learning perspective on your leadership journey through the programme and a recent conversation with at least one Senior Leader in your organisation, reflect on what sort of leader you have become and how you will continue your professional development as a leader.
(Word count=2,000)