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To write a corporate finance essay, first understand the terms related to corporate finance. You need to make a strategic plan to complete the assignment in various phases. Finally, proceed to do initial research.

How to write a corporate finance assignment?

Perform Some or All of the Tasks Described in the Following List

  1. Make a financial analysis: Analyzing financial statements (income, expenditure, cash flow, etc). Assess the performance i.e. financial health and potential future growth of a company (which your university has approved your research proposal for) with the help of ratio analysis, trend analysis, and benchmarking against industry standards.
  2. Evaluate the company’s assets: Determine the value of the company’s assets by discounted cash flow (DFC) analysis or precedent transactions.
  3. Analyze capital budgeting: Evaluate investment projects or capital expenditure by calculating NPV(net present value), IRR (internal rate of return), and payback period. Decide whether the project must be undertaken.
  4. Analyze Capital Structure: Assess the company’s mix of debt and equity financing. Analyze the different financing options and Their impact on the company’s risk and return.
  5. Risk Analysis: Identify the financial risk of the company and recommend strategies to mitigate it. Evaluate the use of derivatives, insurance, or diversification.
  6. Dividend policy: Examine the company’s dividend policy. Investigate its impact on shares and the company’s performance.
  7. Analysis Financial aspect of merger andacquisition: Make the valuation of target companies, and synergies. Examine its impact on the acquiring company’s financials.
  8. Do Financial Planning: Make financial forecasts and budgets based on various assumptions. Develop financial models and project future performance and funding needs.

Prepare the Draft of the Essay

Here is an outline of a standard corporate finance essay assignment. Make a draft first.

TitleTitle of assignment including name of university students and date.
DeclarationAffirmation by the student to declare their own research
AcknowledgementGiving credits to the persons involved in the research
Abstractobjective of the assignment
Table of ContentsA glance at the contents
BodyThe body consists of one or more chapters. Each chapter includes:1. Introduction, 2. Background, 3. Methodology, 4. Summary, 5. Figures, Tables, and Appendices
ConclusionConcludes the assignment
ReferencesCitation to external resources

Select the physical aspect and appearance of the thesis.

Before actually writing the thesis for your corporate finance assignment, fix the various physical aspects or formatting like:

  1. Spacing: double-spaced or single-spaced
  2. Font: like Times New Roman
  3. Font size: 12 pt
  4. Paper size: Letter
  5. Word Count: As directed by your mentor or professor of college.
  6. Referencing style: MLA, APA, or other according to the instructions

Finally, Edit and Proofread

Please adhere strictly to the institute’s instructions. Before giving the final touch to the assignment, don’t forget to edit and proofread.

Take online support

There are many resources e.g.corporate finance assignment help available online to assist you in going through the entire journey (conducting research to printing the essay) of the assignment. You may enjoy them to ensure perfect work that will yield higher grades in MBA subjects like corporate finance.