Strategic Leadership Assignment Sample
Table of Contents
1. Key strength of transformational leadership. 3
2. Discussion on management by values. 4
3. Recommendation for ABC.. 6
Reference list 8
1. Key strength of transformational leadership
Transformational leadership influences leadership to behave in such a way that helps to fulfill the organization’s goals. Mainly transformational leadership promotes changes in the workplace to achieve the required goals of a particular organization. Facilities of major changes are considered under transformational leadership as leaders understand that leadership style plays an important role focus on to bring major changes in the organization among individual members to achieve organizational goals. Transformational leadership brings changes in the organization through managing organizational culture. As per the opinion of Noviyantiet al., (2020, p.8438), leadership can bring changes in the organization in seven ways such as rising people’s awareness, helping members for self-fulfillment, helping members beyond self-interest, understanding employees and members the importance of bringing changes, commitment to greatness, investment managers for urgency, and adopting long-term goals for the organization. The transformational leadership approach brings changes in the workplace through these seven ways.
As per the case study, it is found that Peter Smith, the current CEO is determined to achieve the financial growth of ABC Private Hospital. The hospital has a capacity of 400 beds, 12 operation theatres, and 24 hours emergency clinical services. The current CEO of the hospital wants to introduce changes in the hospital to promote economic growth. As per the opinion of Makariuset al., (2020, p.262), awareness among the members is necessary to bring changes in the workplace that can help to achieve organizational goals in the existing market. In the proposed case study, it is found that the current CEO, Peter Smith set a target to bring changes in the workplace to achieve financial growth. Rising awareness among employees and members of the hospital help to understand the need of introducing changes in the workplace and this approach plays an important role to encourage them for participating in the mission of bringing changes in the organization.
Different kinds of qualities such as charisma, intellectual stimulation, motivational leadership, and individual consideration impact to bring changes in the workplace among employees. Transformational leadership is charismatic in that leaders must have a vision or goals for long-term growth (Susilawatiet al., 2022, p.1689). The leadership brain changes by encouraging employees and others members in such a way that the employees focus on organizational growth rather than self-interest. According to the case study, Peter Smith can encourage employees and other members of ABC Private Hospital to improve their participation rather than their personal interest. Peter Smith believes that this kind of improvement helps to increase the performance and quality of individual employees and members of the hospital which plays an important role to increase performance in the healthcare industry. Creating a vision helps to direct the employees in such a way that brings improvement in clinical care services.
Transformational leadership motivates employees to increase their participation in the workplace which helps to increase individual performance in the organization. Peter Smith can motivate the individual employee and this effort of the CEO helps to increase employees’ engagement in the workplace which provides better performance of employees, for this reason, the overall performance of ABC Private Hospital can be improved. As per the opinion of Smith and Magnani (2019, p.282), improvement helps to provide better clinical services to patients and for this reason, the greatest number of patients recognize the hospital for their treatment which plays an important role in increasing economic performance in the healthcare industry. Transformational leadership emphasizes intellectual stimulation that encourages group members to observe the old problem and find out new solutions to overcome the bad situation.
Peter Smith focuses on the previous issues which have had a huge impact to affect financial growth and, in this way, transformational leadership can help Peter Smith to achieve goals for ABC Private Hospital. Individual employees or group members have particular importance to provide for the overall growth of an organization. Transformational leadership style recognizes the importance of individual employees that play a big role to provide overall growth to the particular organization (Manzoor et al., 2019, p.436). As per the case study, Peter Smith the current CEO of ABC Private Hospital recognizes the importance of individual members or employees of the hospital that can help to improve clinical services quality and for this reason, the target of achieving financial growth is to be fulfilled. Peter Smith can use a transformational leadership style in this way to improve the clinical services quality of ABC Private Hospital which has a big role in achieving financial growth.
2. Discussion on management by values
As per the case study, the current CEO of ABC Private Hospital focuses on economic growth on the other the previous CEO, Meg Davies focused on building better relationships with employees. Peter Smith has noticed that most of the employees do not work at their full capacity which hampers the performance of the hospital. Senior management has a big role in maintaining organizational activities (Paais and Pattiruhu, 2020, p.577). Senior management of the hospital works ineffectively and this poor performance of the senior management has been noticed in the workplace. This kinds of performance of senior management have deceased capabilities of the hospital to provide better clinical performance in the healthcare industry. On the other hand, the complaint against management has raised by around 5% due to ineffective works of senior management that hamper the reputation and recognition of the hospital, as a result, the financial performance of the hospital has been affected. The current CEO of the hospital aims to emphasize increasing the economic performance of ABC Private Hospital.
Strategic leadership is used to focus on navigating firms’ successful competence with current times. Under this leadership consider the usability of company resources and emphasize improving the capabilities of human capital. In the healthcare industry, human capital is an important pillar to operating its activities smoothly. As per the case study, it is found that Peter Smith has noticed that senior management could not perform in their posts effectively hampers the performance of ABC Private Hospital. According to the statement of Alayoubi, Al Shobakiand Abu-Naser (2020, p.11), strategic leadership works to improve the capabilities of individual employees in the workplace which provides better outcomes for increasing the performance of an organization. In recent times, management by values rises as a new strategic tool that helps to apply knowledge and ideas for increasing the performance of individual members of the organization. Management by value redesigns the corporate culture of the organization by introducing major changes among members and in the working environment.
Strategic changes are introduced in the organization to change the working environment of a particular organization and the changes help reduce the impact of internal issues on the organization. Mission and vision are important factors of an organization that encourage leadership to improve performance. Management by value formulates a mission and vision and corporate culture is changed as per achieving the mission and vision of the organization (Lolowang and Aisjah, 2019, p.268). As per the case study, Peter Smith has noticed that senior managements are not effective in their work which hampers the overall performance of ABC Hospital. Considering the fact, management by value strategy helps to introduce changes in the workplace that can corporately culture of the hospital and for this reason, the service quality of the hospital can be improved. The current CEO can increase the performance of the hospital by providing better quality clinical care and these changes help to grab the attention of consumers.
The large attention of customers can provide opportunities for increasing financial growth. From the case study it is found that Peter Smith has aimed to provide financial growth to the hospital and introducing culture changes helps to provide economic growth to ABC Private Hospital under the concept of management by value in strategic leadership. As per the opinion of Shams (2019, p.619), management by value is associated with value functions that are regulated in daily work progress. Leaders compare previous and current situations for achieving future goals of the leadership. As per the case study, Peter Smith has future goals to emphasize economic growth. Effective leadership works through values and these efforts help to increase employees’ engagement in the workplace which plays important role to provide financial growth by improving the performance of individuals in the organization.
3. Recommendation for ABC
Board effectiveness has the primary role to direct the organization in the way of developing business. Accountability is important to manage the activities of employees that provide benefits to increase employees’ engagement in the workplace. The Board of an organization has one of the main duties to promote accountability in the workplace to promote the financial growth of the organization. As per the opinion of Salvioni and Gennari (2019, p.28), stakeholders are important parts of an organization and boards of companies maintain better relationships with stakeholders. In the decision-making process, the involvement of the board is essential. The future growth of an organization depends on decision-making. As per the case study, Peter Smith believes that senior management does not work effectively and for this reason, the overall performance of ABC has been affected. The main aim of Peter Smith is to provide financial growth to ABC hospital.
For this purpose, Peter Smith has suggested introducing changes in the hospital that can improve the quality of clinical care services of the hospital. This kind of improvement plays an important role to increase customers’ attention in the healthcare industry and the hospital can achieve financial growth. The board of ABC Private Hospital thinks that the changes are costly and the changes are not essential to improve the quality of clinical care services. The Chairperson of the board considers reducing the costs of providing a better quality of clinical care services. Most of the chairpersons are not aware of increasing returns or profitability from the hospital. The board members need to reconsider the benefits of the changes which are proposed by Peter Smith. In the healthcare industry, providing a better quality of clinical care services is one of the main aspects to increase the number of patients (Tian et al., 2019, p.62). These approaches help to provide profitability in the long term.
Modern changes can bring new corporate culture in the hospital that can develop the capability of employees such as doctors, and nurses, and due time this improvement the hospital can provide better quality clinical care services. As per the opinion of Kumar, Tiwari and Zymbler (2019, p.21), technology is an important factor in modern times and with the improvement of healthcare services modern technologies have a huge contribution. Peter Smith has proposed to introduce new technologies which are beneficial for improving the quality of clinical care that plays an important role to satisfy patients. This kind of satisfaction is necessary in the healthcare industry to attract patients for considering the hospital. The board needs to understand the impact of modern technologies which can be a game changer in developing the quality of clinical care services.
Long-term goals are necessary to sustain in market and the implementation of new technologies can provide benefits for a long time that helps to provide better clinical care services to patients for a long time. In the future possibility of increasing profitability can be increased due by considering these improvements in the hospital. The board needs to reconsider the facts of implementing new technologies for promoting long-term growth in the future. Peter gives emphasis on developing a safe environment for staff and patients. Developing a safe environment provides better safety to staff and patients which is important to increase staff satisfaction (Ulrich et al., 2019, 67). Job satisfaction is a necessary fact and management needs to think about employee job satisfaction.
Employee engagement is increased due to job satisfaction and for this reason, an organization can improve its performance through better employee engagement. As per the opinion of Tan et al., (2019, p.129), in the healthcare industry, the safety of patients is a significant aspect that improves satisfaction levels among patients, and for this reason, more patients consider the hospital for clinical care. Board chairpersons of ABC must consider the fact of patients’ and staff’s safety that provide benefits for the long term. Alternative ways can be thought of for improving safety and clinical care services and the board of ABC hospital must introduce changes in the hospital to emphasize long-term growth that helps to sustain the healthcare organization in the future.
Reference list
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