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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Effects on the life of children which is influencing them to understand the development based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model 3

The issue of bullying by ensuring children’s skills and strategies to overcoming the incidents with the help of Early Years Learning Framework. 4

Actions and Language are beneficial for handling the situation. 6

Gender equalities development for children in Australia within the age group of 3-5. 6

Strategies implemented to work towards social justice and equity in children. 7

Conclusion. 7

References list 8


The activities and participation of students are developed with different roles and relations to ensuring microsystems. In the process of child development, this mechanism is beneficial for actualizing the development potentials which are essential for gaining visible growth. The development of humans is easily ensured with the help of proximal processes by understanding the impacts of the person in an interactive manner.

Effects on the life of children which is influencing them to understand the development based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model is developed with the help of influences on social environments which are ensured the growth of human development (Murphy 2020 p 200). This theory, it is described child development as a complex theory that can easily affect the surroundings of the environment. With the help of this theory families and schools are able to ensure cultural values, costumes, and laws. The family has developed and is certainly gained importance in child development.Microsystem is able to develop a secure relationship with children by gaining a positive and healthy relationship with children, mesosystem is developed with the home environment which intersects and also provided an indirect impact on children. The exosystem is targeting an individual’s parents, spouse, and friends which are providing beneficial growth in the development of life for children. Macrosystem is ensuring the identity, perception, and values of the children which are impacting the children and also developing all the systems which are surrounding the child (Mizuki et al. 2021 p 5). Different ideas, customs, and social behaviors are developed in children with the help of macrosystems but children with different financial statuses are experiencing different development in life.

Parenting styles are one of the major impacts on the development of children (Kryshtanovych et al. 2021 p 36). The growth of different behaviors and manners is enriched in children with the help of an impactful parenting style. As per the research, the importance of parenting style is developed to ensure a significant impact on self-concept development for children. Friends are providing an emotional state of belonging the security and help to reduce stress for them. Understanding and adopting changes in the environment are easily acquired with the help of friendship which is beneficial for improving the quality of life for the students. Learning with one another is ensured with the help of children as friends are defined as a key importance in the growth of a children’s cognitive development (Kutnick & Manson 2021 p 170). Teachers are helpful to grow the social skills of children in school. A positive change is developed in the mind of students which is ensuring real guidance for the students to nurture their interest and learning to make them more independent in life. Shaping a child’s personality, opinions, way of thinking, and behavior are developed with the help of schools as it is important for gaining an opportunity to grow in life. Real guidance is provided for the students with the help of the school gaining an ability for ensuring and managing their physical and emotional well-being of children. Different environmental influences are also impacting the development of children which is developed by family stress, and neighborhood deprivation (Rakesh et al. 2021 p 882). These factors also can create a visible difference in the life of children. With the help of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, the life of students is influenced by the interaction of the larger environment.

The issue of bullying by ensuring children’s skills and strategies to overcome the incidents with the help of the Early Years Learning Framework

Bullying are impacting children with the help of heartful teasing, threat, and arrgesivley dominating a person which is developing physical and mental pressure on children. The emotional effect is developed with bullying which can develop a long-term impact on them. The effects of bullying can create some mental trauma in the children and also can create self-social isolation due to fear. The EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) is able to develop security and growth in the development of students by which they can freely get their education without being fear of being the bully. Secure, respectful, and reciprocal relationship development for the children is the main motive of EYLF which ensures a visible improvement in the social life of children and also connects with their mental growth of them (Soliman et al. 2021 p 70). Partnerships with children are important due to bullying is developing some mental pressure on them which is also creating an impact on them. High expectations and equity and respect for diversity these approaches are helpful for gaining better growth in the life of children by providing enough opportunities for them (Shaeffer 2019 p 185). Ongoing learning and reflective practice are also playing an important role as every individual has their own experiences which can impact their performance and growth. With the help of reflective practice, the children are able to express themselves, and teachers or guides can understand their real issues of them.

Bullying is a common and also an impactful problem for children, it can negatively impact the children’s life (Çalışkan et al. 2019 p 173). The victimized student may not able to perform as per the potential and mental shock and trauma are creating a visible impact on their life in the long term. In my opinion, to stop bullying in schools have to develop some secure strategies which are able to ensure growth in the children towards a better environment entirely free from being bullied. For preventing bullying in school, the children have to be open with the parents and develop secure communication that is able to understand the real issues of bullying and help to mitigate those. I think teachers should ask some open-ended questions to the students which are beneficial for understanding the issues and providing some opinions to deal with them. The proper education about bullying is needed to provide for children which are able to secure the chance of being bullied also understanding different signs of bullying is equally important. I think building a healthy friendship can eliminate the chance of being bullied. Parents should guide and provide the knowledge for not making bully anyone and also the impacts of bullying which is beneficial for reducing the chance of bullying. The avoidation of bullying situations is also beneficial for children to get any physical or mental harm (Jiménez-Barbero et al. 2020 p 87). In my opinion, a positive group and friends are better for being affected by bullying. Encouraging the confidence of the children and also proper reporting of bullying in front of the authorities is beneficial for reducing the chance of bullying. I think these steps are helpful for reducing the increasing number of bullying and also ensure a proper environment for the children to grow.

Actions and Language are beneficial for handling the situation

I have to deal with the situation of “cooking is the girl’s job; boys should not cook!” which is mentioned by a boy who is only 4 years old. To overcome the above issues of childrenfirst, I have to make bonding with him. After that, I will provide knowledge about cooking which is nothing but a skill and anyone can cook it is not restricted to genders. I politely talked to him and also give him some examples of different male cooks which can clear his misconception about cooking.

Gender equalities development for children in Australia within the age group of 3-5

Different stories and books are able to develop as powerful tools which are beneficial for young children within the age group of 3-5 to understand gender equality. In every field, the development of gender equality is promoted which is beneficial for creating better growth in life for learning gender equality.

Strategies implemented to work towards social justice and equity in children

Providing an equal chance for children in life are helping to ensure growth and development in the outer world. Different supports and motivations can ensure proper and impactful social justice for the children which is encouraging them to grow. Avoidation and elimination of the same environment are helping to secure social justice. I think these can easily ensure the growth and development of children in the world. Avoid segregation in the classroom and provide an equal chance for the children despite of gender are gained the ability of social justice and equity (). These policies in my opinion are beneficial for ensuring a better opportunity for children in life and also developing respect and understanding of equity in every aspect of life.


From the study, it can be concluded that children with the help of good care, support, and provided a good environment are helped to grow in life. The better choice for children is developing different abilities in them which are able to ensure diverse growth in the nature of the children. Setting some clarified rules for treating people is helping to grow equality and diversity among the children which are able to ensure a better personality in the future.

References list

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